Drunken Lancer Bio Sheet

Name: Choice of Weapon
Clan/Faction: NRA - i dont like what it stands for so I call it the No Rules Astronauts
Playing Style(s): Dirty merc, I take whatevers going and if you're not with me, you're toast.
Favorite Ship(s): Dagger, Hawk, Barracuda
Worst Ship(s): Rheinland ships, all freighters except Drom
Best Attribute(s): I never fight dirty.
Worst Attribute(s): ..I never fight dirty.

Quotes from other Drunken Lancers

Chilli "Once you get past how much of an idiot he is, he's the most fun in Sirius."

Steven Keel "I did him a few favors and now he dives infront of missiles for me.. great!"

Rhodan "Despite being quite immature and difficult to reason with, if you pay him enough he will do whatever it takes to fulfill a contract."