Drunken Lancer Bio Sheet

Name: Steven Keel
Clan/Faction: none
Playing Style(s): I mostly trade but sometimes I have some fights, so I'm easy.
Favorite Ship(s): Rhino, Dromedary,
Worst Ship(s): Bloodhound, Patriot, Hawk
Best Attribute(s): friendly nature, patient, like to group up in convoys
Worst Attribute(s): dunno, I guess I get real tired of pirates

Quotes from other Drunken Lancers

Chilli "He's reliable and a good guy to have on a server because he motivates other traders and escorts, sometimes getting whole convoys together."

Mighty Johann" A great trader who takes notes on his palmtop for future trade routes, smart!"

Gunbeard "Why is this man not in a coma?"