Legionnaire Review

Cast your mind into the green mists of the Omicrons.. Imagine a light fighter carved from solid rock, scorched by the Gamma sun and sealed with the soul of a ruthless killer. Imagine no longer, fair traveller, for I present to you the Legionnaire.

It looks like it's made of lego..
Yes it's a chiselled, jagged little block of a ship, but it's a silky smooth ride. Fitted with 2 class 4 and 2 class 5 guns, it has the scope to be a real contender against the majority of ships available. This strong firepower is sadly only protected by 2400 hull points.. a relatively fragile ship considering what it can bring to bear. The average hold of 35 cargo units and 20 bots and batts gives the Legionnaire an average defense rating behind its strong offensive capabilities.

Pretty slippery for a Corsair..
The Legionnaire strafes very fast and turns quite well considering it's the baby brother of the slowest turning fighter range in SIrius. As a light fighter it can stand up against a Dagger very well, but against a Drake it is simply outgunned and outmaneuvered. In short; the Corsair light fighter is a pirate's middle ground between firepower and maneuevrability.

The Legionnaire is a competent choice for the professional pilot, providing a medium-strength weapons platform that's comfortable to fly and has enough punch to keep up with the pace of stronger contenders. If you want to stand out, this ship provides a surprisingly swift-moving and fast-strafing combat experience, bringing weapons to bear that, if used correctly, can turn the tables in any of the great houses of Sirius.

Good firepower for it's size
Average power systems
Fast strafing and a better-than-average turn rate
Average hull and repair capability
Often underestimated
Average cargo hold

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