Basics |
Depots The quickest way to improve or ruin your reputation. |
for Factions Everyone has allies and enemies, use this to better your reputation. |
Tips Our advice on rep adjustments |
Reputation Basics
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Summary Points
Raising and Lowering your Reputation
You'll notice that when you begin a character in a normal server, you'll be hostile (red) with all the pirates and friendly (green) with factions like the liberty navy and all the liberty companies.
The names in white are neutral with you, meaning they dont like or hate you.. yet. You can alter your reputation with a faction by either working for them, attacking them, or bribing them.
Each faction has allies and enemies, and if you are nice to a faction, you'll please their allies, and displease their enemies. Likewise, if you attack a faction, then their allies will like you less, but their enemies will like you more.
So here we can make our Interspace Commerce reputation better by attacking their enemies or doing missions for the company or its allies. We can also make our reputation worse by attacking their allies or working for their enemies... it's that simple!
Important Final Points
A word of warning though, the less a faction likes you, the less high powered weapons you will be able to buy from their bases.
Attack whatever faction you want to dislike you, and work for whoever you want to like you, or please them until they want to give you work.
Blowing up transports is a good way of gaining a reputation with pirates and a cargo bay full of goods, too.
Experiment and see what works for you, but be prepared to mess up.
Check out our Debate on Reputation from the Bar Section.
Click here to Go back up to the top..Enjoy, and as always, you can Mail Theo.