News Archive
1853/30/08/2003AD - Sorting out the site layout so it'll be simpler. Decided to concentrate my guides mainly on Liberty and the beginning period of a multiplayer game, before all the heavy stuff, because other sites will do all that, so go there instead.08/02/2005AD - Reappearing on servers everywhere - the Drunken Lancers! Yep, been messing about on a few old favorites, stirring up a mixture of laughter, hatred and intrigue. In other news, I recently had an email regarding a Log Entry about a chap named Panu.
21/10/2004AD - Thanks to all of you who have emailed the drunken lancers over the past few months of non-updating. Good to know there's enough here to gather interest. I'll put up more ship reviews eventually. Check the Error Page for now.
28/07/2004AD - There are now Bio Sheets for each Drunken Lancer in the Bar Section.. enjoy!
2311/20/07/2004AD - We have a new Drunken Lancer, The Beast of Cortez. This chap has been making waves in many servers and causing some serious chaos! So he has joined the Drunken Lancers as the resident eccentric. Huzzah!
1604/14/04/2004AD - Avast ye! If you have any tips or tricks for using missiles & mines.. send em in alright? Take it easy! - Drunklancer
1000/09/04/2004AD - Right, I'm fed up with boring PHP sites with the same boring layout.
News in the middle, surveys on the side, thousands of button links.. it's all so gamespy/magazine/corporate. Originality, people!
In other news, a few Logbook entries have graced our presence, and Knuckles has made a quick guide to Surviving Cruise Disruptors.1220/30/03/2004AD - Uploaded Johann's Turret Tips, aswell as some logbook updates, another game error and some page tweaks and optimizations.
1010/27/03/2004AD - Alright folks, time for Rhodan's guide to Advanced Weapon Loadouts. More later, arrr!
1145/25/03/2004AD - This update brings us some new and exciting Log entries, plus Johann's Trader Tactics have been uploaded to the trade section, enjoy and let me know if you have anything to add/ask/say/argue.
1026/25/03/2004AD - Reviews of the Valkyrie and Crusader are up.
1905/21/03/2004AD - Made a Log Entry, plus get ready for upcoming reviews of the Crusader, the Valkyrie and the Dragon.
1709/19/03/2004AD - I've put up reviews of the Dromedary, the Clydesdale and the Defender. Expect more updates later, and don't forget you can always send content or info.
1717/15/03/2004AD - In the Pilot's Section: Polished up the Hit n Run and Player Piracy Guides. In the Ship Section: Uploaded 'Coming Soon' Ship Review Pics. That's about it. I'll upload more stuff when it's done. Cheers.
1308/13/03/2004AD - Righto, i've updated the Logbook so it now has pictures and rants. I've added a new section in The Bar called Fun Stuff, which contains pages devoted to Funny Names and Stupid Little Text Errors.
I've also improved all the pages in the Pilot's Area, and the Weapons vs. Shields Guide. Bloody hell i need a holiday.
1110/13/03/2004AD - Player's Tips section is now up in the Pilot's Area (That's the Launch-Pad icon, folks) so send in your tips and tricks if you like, but NO locations (jumpholes, special equipment/ships/weps/stations/depots/all that crap). Anyway i'll put some more stuff up later, so take it easy.
1608/11/03/2004AD - Alright then, i've listed mirrors at the bottom of the datapad, and now you can also reach this site using the immensely simple address
0806/11/03/2004AD - Hurrah! Any of you having problems with The Geocities Site's data transfer can either visit back within an hour or bookmark The Mirror Site. In other news, i managed to get advertised on Lancer's Reactor.. which is great.
1646/10/03/2004AD - I made a site button in 200 and 150 pixel formats, hope its ok with you folks. I've also found a snapshot of one of the more terrifying moments of discovery during online Freelancer.
1151/10/03/2004AD - I've put instant link descriptions on each of the menu icons, so as soon as the mouse pointer touches them, a description appears. Let me know if you have problems with it. More later, scrotes.
0924/10/03/2004AD - Ahoy there folks, a tiny update this time, i've made a little Page of Funny Freelancer Names and i've added some 'coming soon' reviews for the Ships section. Enjoy or not, who cares but yourself?
1640/09/03/2004AD - Gunbeard's lowdown on the mighty, mighty Wolfhound has been prepared for your viewing pleasure. You have my sympathies.
2201/08/03/2004AD - Just put up a review of the Drake, so check it out if you like.
1953/08/03/2004AD - Choice's Dagger and Steve's Rhino reviews have been finished and polished. Work continues on the Wolfhound and Drake reviews, so hang tight there's more coming up.
1328/04/03/2004AD - Debate #3 is now fully edited and re-fonted for ease of reading. I might just put up the text files unformatted because it takes too bloody long to edit, font and color every person's sentence. Enjoy nonetheless, and expect more updates later this week.
2211/01/03/2004AD - Cheers to those of you who have sent e-mails and all that jazz, every now and then i update with a little something, and it looks like the updates will be more frequent that previous months, so stay tuned and enjoy whats currently available.
1300/02/01/2004AD - I've made various little polishing updates to stuff like the ship reviews, the equipment page and some little text cleanups and code cleanups to make it all run better and faster. If you have any suggestions, feel free to mail me
1615/29/12/2003AD - Put up a half finished Player Pirate Guide in the Pilot's Section. Not much else, cos im relaxing.
1411/27/12/2003AD - The datapad thingy has had over a thousand individual visitors this month, so thanks for at least popping by for a look. I've put up some more info in the Ships section and generally made it look more presentable.
2244/18/12/2003AD - Check out The Bar for a new Debate. Also i'm waiting for the rest of a ship review on The Dagger from the mighty ChoiceofWeapon-NRA.
1322/18/12/2003AD - Avast ye, check out the reputation section for some new goodies, and expect an update on how to spot hidden bases and jumpholes. Also, shocking new footage reveals BRAZEN NUDITY in freelancer. Feel free to outrage.
1105/07/12/2003AD - Busy doing non-freelancer stuff, but this site is an ongoing thing, so updates will be small but they won't disappear completely, so no worries. Also, if you want to send a rant or some kind of site content that isn't a spoiler for beginners, then feel free to send it and hope my mailbox isn't misbehaving.
1750/03/12/2003AD - Doing some more text updates in the trader's section, and added a link in the Navigation area. So there.
0039/11/11/2003AD - Huzzah! I come back to find people are actually visiting this site. Well, hope you enjoy the content, if you want more, shout at me and i might just dust off my webspace and get cracking on an update. Cheers for now.
1607/20/09/2003AD - Well folks, things are progressing in the world of Freelancer,i'm exploring various characters and writing some content when im bored.. keep in touch if you like.
1930/11/09/2003AD - Bit of a quiet few days while i wait and see what kind of traffic the site gets. Im working on some 'fan fiction' and more pictures for the guides, aswell as more guides and some drunken lancer debates. In the meantime, relax.
1321/07/09/2003AD - If you have any suggestions on how to improve the site, such as how to make those alt tags instant through dhtml or something, let me know, even if its nothing to do with code. Got an in progress Hit n Run guide up in the pilot section.
0124/07/09/2003AD - Hey hey, updated the Engine Kill guide with pictures and some captions.. expect more over the weekend and feel free to check out some Operation Flashpoint Co-Op Missions, too.
1300/04/09/2003AD - Shifted Steve's Rhino Review and the NRA Weapons v. Shields Breakdown into their own pages in both the Ship and Equip sections respectively. Also added a short unfinished guide to Engine Kill, go check it out. In the meantime, i got some things to do for someone else, ill put more up later, so take it easy.
1904/03/09/2003AD - Things are going well, with more stuff planned for the weekend and a women's skiing champ discovered on planet curacao. See you out there.
1312/02/09/2003AD - I'll be adding stuff at various points in time today, so keep an eye out for anything that interests you.
1906/01/09/2003AD - Done some more stuff to the Bar Section, the first of many mighty drunken lancer IRC debates, feel free to check it out.
1221/01/09/2003AD - Right, you 'orrible lot, i'm working on the reputations list, gonna list out all the factions, their allies and their enemies, and color code them according to affiliation/alliances. A big cheers to all who let me know they liked the site, HUZZAH etc, have some grog on my tab, drop by Sheffield Station ok.
1353/31/08/2003AD - After some sore eye problems in the morning, i decided to update the site again, but this time all i did was add to the test page in the Pilot's Section (click the launchpad, silly).
0127/30/08/2003AD - 'Drunken Lancers' is an idea for a Freelancer Guild, check out the Bar Section for details. It might be a good way of getting peeps together for games. Its nothing you can't drop out of whenever you feel like it. So relax.0800/29/08/2003AD - Well, sorted out the interface for the moment, until i can be bothered to make yellow mouseover thingies for all the buttons, which probably won't be for a while. Content is being made as we speak, experience is being gathered as i drift into my second week playing Freelancer, huzzah!In the coming weekend, i'll be adding more detailed coming soon pages, indicating exactly what i'm working on and how long i think it'll take to finish it.
1500/28/08/2003AD - Ooh, i-frames a-gogo, time saver deluxe! Made the scrolley window for the datapad design, hope it works for everyone and in different resolutions, you can always mail Theo, right?
1300/28/08/2003AD - Over the next few days, i'll be figuring out how to make a scrolling window for this little blue box, and if i can't then i'll probably have sections open in a new window with this window as navigation, that way i guess it'll be easier for both of us.You can expect some fan fiction, reviews of ships, beginners guides to piracy, trading, rhino joy, getting a good start online, and funny tales.Do not expect super-important trade routes, spoilers, advanced player's guides or cheats/big shortcuts.